On January 19, 2023, the pan-3D genome of wild and domesticated soybeans was constructed and published. This project sheds light on the role of 3D genomes in plant genetic diversity and provides a valuable resource for studying gene regulation and genome evolution.
2023-01-31On December 2, 2022, recombination landscape and its driving forces in soybean were published online on Plant Biotechnology Journal. Dr. Ma and Dr. Fan were both co-first authors, Dr. Tian and Dr. Liu were both corresponding authors.
2022-12-05On October 28, 2022, a new story about Dt2 controlling soybean branch number was published online on the Nature Communications. PhD student Liang Qianjin was the first author, Dr. Tian was the corresponding author.
2022-10-29On October 15, 2022, the production of new salt-tolerant soybean strain “Kedou 35” which bred in Tian Lab reached to more than 270 kg/mu in the demonstration saline-alkali filed at Dongying, Shandong.
2022-10-19Dr. Tian wins the first Haberlandt Award in September